13 February 2017

Travel Tips #1

So, you bought your ticket and you are waiting on that sweet blessed day when you can just leave everything behind and just enjoy yourself, I know, I enjoy those days too!! However, each week I'll give you some travel tips to assist you in your endeavors in making this trip easier on you and especially your pocket.

Tip #1:Invest in quality Equipment
So I know that most of us are always ready for a steal of a deal especially when it comes to luggage, however,it may be best to invest in one that would last give or take 10 years, rather than having to purchase one each year.#spend now and save later!!

Tip #2:Travel Light
Often times when people travel, they tend to feel the need to take their entire house and belongings with them, STOP IT!!!Listen up, you only need a few items of clothing when travelling. A great thing that I have learnt whilst travelling,is to pack all of your items all rolled up into your carry on, then place the carry on in your larger suitcase to save on space as well as to enable you to shop more and return with more.

But Ladies and Gentlemen that's all that will be shared for now, so until next time, keep cool, stay safe and be awesome!!!


  1. These are very helpful tips that individuals should take into consideration especially tip#2

  2. Hmmm nice....great travel advice.

  3. Great advice from an experienced traveler... appreciated!

  4. Great advice, helpful tips ☺

  5. Great tip on saving space... I'm really interested in how to pack liquids items as well.

    1. You're welcome. My suggestion for packing liquids would definitely be to invest in duck or masking tape and seal the caps and wrap in plastic bags sealing that too so in the event that the bottle crack or spills, it will do so in the bag saving yourself from having to clean an entire suitcase or wash all your clothing

  6. i totally agree with spend now save later.great advice

  7. Great advice.. I'll be implementing it for my next family vacation.

  8. Will surely keep these tips in mind , thank you.

  9. These tips are so helpful. Thanks for the great advice

  10. These are really great tips especially #2 as I have never been able to pack light.

  11. Wonderful Advice! I'll definitely remember this for my next international adventure.

  12. Yep....I agree. I always roll my clothing and travel light however my husband is one who tries to carry everything. I will definitely share your travle tips with him.

    1. LOL please do, it may save him from paying for an overweight suitcase.

  13. Great tips, will surely adhere to them!
