30 March 2017

Historical Sight Seeing in Panama:Panamá Viejo

Panama is a country that has many places to see, which can produce some awesome pictures. Whilst on our trip, we were able to visit and see several amazing things that were unlike anything that we had ever seen before, adding to the uniqueness of the nation. We saw things like the 'screw building', whose name came from the design and shape of the building.

Despite seeing the cool architecture of the screw building, we had the opportunity to visit Panamá Viejo, Panamá Viejo is the remnants of the old Panama city, which was the former capital of the country, currently situated in the suburbs of the modern city. In tandem with the Historical District of Panama, Panamá Viejo has been a World Heritage site since the year 1997. This site is quite popular, so much so that the reward feast from a challenge of the 7th season the show Survivors was held at this location, but if you would like to read more about this place you can go the this link:Panamá Viejo History and Tours
The views from the top of one of the buildings is breath taking and what better way to enjoy a trip than going with friends whilst enjoying the breeze and sights from the top...don't believe me, check it out for yourself.

But ladies and gentlemen that is all for now so until next time, keep safe, stay cool and be awesome!!!!!


  1. This is quite awesome. A little piece of history mixed in with some fun.A very interesting fact there and I really like the picture of the screw building... it's strange yet very cool.. makes me wonder who and came up with the concept and why. Definitely two places to check out if I ever visit. Thanks :)

  2. F & F Tower in Panama or the screw building is so cool that it was selected as one of 10 best skyscrapers of 2011.The F & F Tower even ranked seventh for its excellence and functionality, but it is truly a site to behold if you're ever there.

  3. The pictures of the first two buildings look really cool. It looks like something you'd normally see in a movie

  4. Hey Sherry Ann, yes I've been fortunate to have visited Panama myself. The canal, the causeway and the casco Viejo to name a few and of course the malls Albrook for one.

    1. They are all very interesting places to visit.I am glad that you have visited those sites as they are unlike any other.
